Thursday 15 October 2015

Website and Rationale

Website Url:


Our chosen topic for koha was the beach clean, we chose to target people in the age range of 13-24 who like pop culture and films. Our style is a pastiche of 1980s horror films but with a diary like aesthetic featuring annotations and sketches on homemade maps. Our colour pallete features accurate underwater tones and colours picked from photos we have taken.For our own format we chose to make a Tshirt that would be given out at the event . We wanted the design to be associated with the event but left slightly mysterious so that the particapants could wear the shirts outside of the event. The idea behind the website was to create a simple, easy to navigate page that would have all the resources ready available to download. If we had more time we would develop our site and make it more interactive. We also feel our T-shirt could be taken further.

Bobbie Paulsen 14030468

Zac Sutton 14047883

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